Detailing Commune Agro-Ecosystems Analysis
Province / District / Commune Kampong Thom/ Stoung/ Samprouch Program/Project Rice-SDP
Date AEA * 03/29/2018
No. of Zoon 4 AEA completed True
Report completed Date report completed 09/06/2018
Report sent to DEAFF True Date report send to DEAFF 03/01/2019
Report available in English False
List of Zoon
# Descriptions Status

# Name Zoon Type of Inundation Major income source Second income source Third income source Topography Dominant crop Second Crop Third crop Water Source Hydrology Cropping system Land type Landuse Soil Group
1 Please enters name of zoon 1 in English Flood Rice Off-farm labor Gently sloping Wet season paddy rice Vegetables, Water melon, Mainly Rainfed Seasonally inundated, Sequential multiple cropping, Lowland middle terrace, No significant Agricultural use, Housing, Prateah Lang Shallow, Prateah Lang clayed subsoil, Bakan,
2 Please enters name of zoon 2 in English Flood Gently sloping Dry season rice Recession rice, Water melon, Mainly irrigated Seasonally inundated, Monocrop, Lowland lower terrace, No significant Agricultural use,
3 Please enters name of zoon 3 in English Flood Gently sloping Dry season rice Recession rice, Mainly irrigated Seasonally inundated, Monocrop, Lowland middle terrace, No significant Agricultural use, Labansiek nonpetroferric, Krakor noncracking, Bakan,
4 Please enters name of zoon 4 in English Flood Rice Gently sloping Dry season rice, Inundated, Sequential multiple cropping, Lowland lower terrace, Natural Resource Conservation,
# Priority key Questions Problems addressed Issues involved Discipline(s) involved Target group(s) Subsystem/enterprise System property
1 1 NA Lack of agricultural technique, High input cost, Soil chemical analysis, On-farm demonstration, Soil identification, Planning, Agronomy, Any family income level, Wet season rice, Dry season rice, Productivity,
2 1 NA Lack of agricultural technique, High input cost, Declining soil fertility, Soil chemical analysis, Farmer training, Agronomy, Any family income level, Wet season rice, Dry season rice, Productivity,
3 2 NA Lack of formal credit, Damaged irrigation system, WUC organisation, Media program, Planning, Irrigation, Any family income level, Community water resource, Irrigation system, Productivity,
4 3 NA Lack of agricultural technique, Low soil fertility, Credit, Media program, Planning, Agronomy, Any family income level, Wet season rice, Dry season rice, Productivity,
5 3 NA
6 3 NA Lack of agricultural technique, Poor post-harvest technique, Gender, Study tour, Farmer training, Agronomy, Soil science, Any family income level, Wet season rice, Dry season rice, Productivity, Stability, Equitability,
7 3 NA Poor animal husbandry, Animal vaccination, Farmer training, Animal health, Any family income level, Forage crop, Cattle, Productivity, Sustainability,
# Information Status
1 Please Contract to my Administrator Register here