Detailing Commune Agro-Ecosystems Analysis
Province / District / Commune Kampong Thom/ Kampong Svay/ Damrei Slab Program/Project DAE
Date AEA * 01/02/2007
No. of Zoon 3 AEA completed True
Report completed True Date report completed 02/02/2007
Report sent to DEAFF True Date report send to DEAFF 02/07/2007
Report available in English True
List of Zoon
# Descriptions Status

# Name Zoon Type of Inundation Major income source Second income source Third income source Topography Dominant crop Second Crop Third crop Water Source Hydrology Cropping system Land type Landuse Soil Group
1 NA Rainfall Rice Cattle Vegetables Gently sloping Wet season paddy rice Water melon, Vegetables, Mainly Rainfed Seasonally inundated, Sequential multiple cropping, Mixed crop, Lowland upper terrace, Natural forest and shrubland, Permanent agriculture, Housing, Prey Khmer fine sandy, Prateah Lang Shallow,
2 NA Rainfall Rice Cattle Vegetables Flat Wet season paddy rice Vegetables, Water melon, Mainly Rainfed Seasonally inundated, Sequential multiple cropping, Mixed crop, Plains equal, Permanent agriculture, Housing, Prateah Lang loamy subsoil, Kbal Po thionic,
3 NA Rainfall Rice None None Gently sloping Wet season paddy rice None, Mainly Rainfed Seasonally inundated, Sequential multiple cropping, Lowland middle terrace, Natural forest and shrubland, Permanent agriculture, Prateah Lang loamy subsoil,
# Priority key Questions Problems addressed Issues involved Discipline(s) involved Target group(s) Subsystem/enterprise System property
1 1 N/A Inequitable water distribution, Supplemental irrigation, Local governance, Hydrology, Medium income families, Tree crop, Wet season rice, Home garden, Productivity, Sustainability,
2 2 N/A Lack of water, Water management, Irrigation, Medium income families, Tree crop, Forage crop, Wet season rice, Productivity, Equitability, Sustainability,
3 3 N/A Poor harvest quality, Lack of agricultural technique, Soil chemical analysis, Agronomy, Pest management, Medium income families, Forage crop, Community water resource, Productivity,
4 4 N/A Poor post-harvest technique, Pesticide toxicity, IPM, Agronomy, Soil science, Medium income families, Irrigated rice, Productivity, Equitability, Sustainability,
5 5 N/A Slow growth and development, Lack of forage, Animal vaccination, Animal health, Pasture management, Medium income families, Forage crop, Poultry, Equitability,
# Information Status
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